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Haven 2 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem Page 2

  “Well, I think highly of that. Hey, there’s the first building.”

  He could see it. It was another abandoned cabin, (how many of them were there sprinkled throughout the region?), and it looked to be in pretty bad shape. The front door was open. Something about that didn’t sit right with him.

  David pulled out his pistol.

  As they approached, he heard something shift inside. Both of them froze. Could be anything in there: an undead, an animal, a human that may or may not intend harm. He glanced at Ashley. She had drawn her own sidearm.

  “Back me up,” he whispered, and when she nodded to him, he began making his way towards the front door.

  Another sound came to him as he crept closer, but it was so faint. Whatever it was had to be fairly stealthy. Which kind of narrowed it down. David reached the porch and stepped onto it. It creaked loudly under his boot and he winced. Something let out another sound, this one entirely organic, and he heard light footsteps rapidly approaching.

  “Shit!” he snapped, and began backing off.

  Before he could make it more than two steps away from the cabin, a stalker appeared in all its undead, horrifying glory. He aimed and fired. It was a good shoot and punched a hole right through its forehead, dropping the creature in an instant. He wasn’t ready for the one immediately behind it. He fired and missed, still backpedaling.

  Ashley was ready.

  She put two shots into its head, one in the right eye, one in its mouth, and blew its rotting brains out. David prepared himself for another assault, but no more of them came. He slowly let out his breath, shaking slightly.

  Those things always scared the shit out of him.

  “Fuck, I hate those fuckers,” Ashley snapped. Apparently she felt much the same way.

  “We should make sure there’s no more of them,” David said after a few seconds.

  “Yeah,” she muttered. “Let’s get it over with.”

  They moved carefully into the cabin and did a search of it, but found nothing hanging out in any of the shadowy niches or hidden areas. Once they were sure it was safe, they began their secondary search, hunting for useful supplies. The feeling of anxiety began to abate as they settled in, and David found himself wanting to know more about her. Already, he felt that Ashley was an intriguing person, definitely the kind he was interested in.

  And not just because she was in really good shape and had a really beautiful face, but also because of her personality.

  He seemed to be drawn to women like her.

  “So how have things been going with your family?” he asked.

  “Fine, I guess. We’ve been fighting a little.” She hesitated, then looked guilty. “I guess more than a little. We’re kind of different. We didn’t used to be, or at least not this much, but the past year has changed my parents. They’ve always been cautious, I’ve always been...”


  She snorted. “No!...maybe. I was going to say bold or maybe daring, but yeah, I guess, if I’m being honest, reckless. I’m less so now, because they rely on me a lot. My dad’s like twelve years older than my mom, and she obviously isn’t young anymore, so he can’t really do as much. I mean, he’s in good shape for his age, but, you know, for his age is kind of a low bar. I mean, not that I’m dumping on him or anything. My dad’s a great guy. He used to be more like me, not reckless but he would risk his life a lot for us. He almost died six months ago, broke his arm, and I think that...kinda knocked a lot of his confidence out of him. Which my mom likes, in that she likes him not risking his life all the time. She’s very capable, but really cautious...”

  She sighed suddenly. He looked over at her. She had been digging through a box, but now she was staring at the wall in front of her.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I just...I was going to leave. I’m twenty six now. I’ve been wanting to be on my own for a few years, but my parents kept talking me out of it. And then everything changed when the...the mutations came. Even with all that was happening, I feel like I could leave, just go somewhere on my own, little brother. I can’t stand the thought of abandoning him.”

  “I’m sorry,” David murmured.

  “Me too.” She laughed suddenly, the sound a little bitter. “Honestly, one of the upsides of what happened recently is that I finally feel the pressure coming off. The pressure to get out and do things, because I’m the most capable person in my household. My parents always had some reason to keep me from going out into the wilderness, looking for adventure. But now? Doesn’t matter what they say, I’m really the only one that can go out and find food, supplies, help. Even then, they still argue with me whenever I head out.”

  “Where would you go?” he asked.

  “That’s the thing, I don’t even know. It’s not like I have this dream destination in mind or anything. I don’t want to go anywhere specific. I just want to go, you know? Although I’m beginning to wonder if that’s true.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The urge to be on my own was...overwhelming, maybe two years ago. I’d run away a lot. I mean, not like run away run away, but, you know, I’d leave. And just take walks. I mean, I know how to defend myself, I’ve got good reflexes, good senses. But it’s nowhere near as bad as it used to be. I’m...not calm, but calmer. I find myself grateful to be with my family more, that we’re all still alive and okay, for the most part. I don’t know, I just wish there was some kind of, you know, some way I could balance the two things.”

  “Maybe you can,” David said.


  “There was a woman I met earlier, and...what?” he asked. She’d turned to look at him suddenly and she had that smirk on her face again.

  “The way you said that...did you sleep with her?”

  “I, um, well...” he hesitated, derailed both by her question and by the sudden flood of memories of having amazing sex with Cait.

  “How many women have you actually fucked since coming here?” she asked.

  “Four,” David replied. “Just four.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, just four.”

  “I got really lucky. That is nowhere near normal. Like, not even close. This is the most sexual activity I’ve had like...ever. And it was just once with this other woman. But that’s not my point. My point is, she lives a kind of...drifting lifestyle, it seems. She just moves around the region all the time, doing a ton of different things. She has a lot of different places she stays at. You could do something like that, you know? Have wherever your parents are staying be like your home base, and you go back there every few days. But otherwise, you’re out and about, doing things, helping people, looking for supplies, you know?”

  “Hmm...” She fell silent, her gaze falling as she thought about it. “That’s actually a really good idea. I guess I never really thought that a middle ground was an actual possibility. I’ll have to think about it. But thank you, that’s a good idea.”

  “You’re welcome,” he murmured in reply, sure that he was blushing again.

  And now he was thinking about Cait, and the way she moaned for him to impregnate her. Fuck that had been hot. Maybe he should ask Evelyn to ask for the same thing, although it wasn’t quite the same, given he knew he couldn’t impregnate her. Although he knew-well, he didn’t know for a fact that he couldn’t knock Cait up, it was just ridiculously unlikely. Whatever, it had been awesomely hot, and he hoped he saw her again, and that she’d want to fuck him again, because she was probably the hottest human he’d ever seen.

  Definitely the hottest he’d ever been with.

  They finished searching the cabin and found nothing more than some clothes that might make for semi-decent trading. With the search finished, they left the cabin and moved back out into the crisp winter air.

  “What’s next?” he asked.

  “There’s a house a little farther north I want to check out,” she replied.

  “All right, lead me to it.”

  They set off once aga


  As they made their way to the house, she began asking him questions about himself.

  She seemed oddly interested in his sex life.

  He had the idea that she was a bit of a voyeur, but then again, who wasn’t? He sometimes wondered how many people would spy on two people having sex if they knew they could get away with it. Probably a lot. He liked to think that he wouldn’t. He certainly wouldn’t go to any great lengths to, but if he happened to be in a position where he kind of stumbled on it...he honestly couldn’t say. Did that make him a bad person?

  Maybe, at least in that regard.

  But he liked talking about it with her, and he knew Evelyn and April wouldn’t mind.

  They came to the house in question and cleared it, first of hostiles (there were just a trio of zombies lingering inside), and then of supplies. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much of the latter. They at least managed to find a small stash of canned goods, a hardback novel that he took to give to April, and some more clothes. They split the supplies, what little there was to split, and as they did, he noticed that Ashley seemed a little more anxious than before. When he started to leave, he realized she was hesitant, like she was reluctant to head back out.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “So...I may have had an ulterior motive for asking you out here,” she replied, not quite meeting his eyes.

  “And what would that be?”

  She looked up at him suddenly. “I want your dick.”


  “Yes. I want to fuck you. Like, a lot.”


  She laughed. “Yes! Don’t keep me waiting, do you want to with me or not? Because I want to do it here, in that bed we saw, the queen size. I want to ride you.”

  “I...yeah. I’d fucking love to have sex with you,” he said.

  Her eyes lit up. “Good.” She reached out, grabbed his hand, and began pulling him back into the house. “Let’s not wait.”

  David felt his heart start pounding in his chest as they hurried through the house. So...this was happening. He’d been hoping for it in the back of his head since she’d showed up looking for him, but he hadn’t really been expecting anything. Ashley was really hot. She was tall, thin, and, he saw as they got into the bedroom and she started taking her clothes off, fit in a wiry, sinewy kind of way. And she had a few tattoos, oh fuck he loved those. She had a pretty well-done rose on her inner right thigh, and a skull and crossbones on her left shoulder, and a little blue bird over her right breast. He started taking off his shirt.

  “No,” she said, making him pause. “Leave your clothes on.”

  “All of them?”

  “Yeah. All of them.” He hesitated, looking at her, putting his arms down. She looked a little embarrassed. “I think it’d be really hot. I don’t know why, I just like it.”

  He shrugged. “Okay.”


  She grabbed his hand suddenly and swung him around. He let the momentum carry him and fell back onto the bed. She peeled off her panties, revealing a beautiful pussy with some pale blonde stubble around it. As he got into position, she climbed onto the bed with him. She mounted him, climbing atop him, and reached down.

  Grabbing his belt, she began undoing his pants. “We’re just gonna have some fun,” she whispered quietly, more to herself than to him it seemed. Then she looked up at him. “It’ll be quick, I can’t be away for too long and we’ve already been out here for over an hour now. So we fuck, and you bust a huge nut in my pussy, and then we part ways.”

  “You’re okay with that?” he replied.

  “Yeah. I’m a squirter and I’ll make such a big mess on your pants, which isn’t fair to you since I asked for this. How about you make it up to me later? I’ll swing by your place sometime later and you can give me a sweet orgasm while your girlfriends watch.”

  “Uh...yeah, that sounds good,” he said.

  She smirked. “I bet it does...ah, there you are,” she murmured, pulling his dick out. She began to massage it with her hands. “So, this is the dick that satisfies goliath vagina. Hmm.”

  “You though it’d be bigger?” he asked.

  She laughed. “I guess so. Don’t worry, I’m not disappointed, this is a fine size. A little bigger than I’ve had experience with myself, but...I’ll be totally honest, a little part of me thought you had like a fucking monster cock in those pants. Actually, I’m relieved. I’ve never fucked one of those before, but I know girls that have and some of them like it, but some of them say that shit hurts, especially if you’re skinny like me. And I like a little pain, but not a lot. Now...” she spit into her hand and began rubbing his dick down with it, “ we fuck.”

  Once his cock was coated in her saliva, she pushed herself up, slipped the head inside of her very wet vagina, and then began to lower herself down it. David groaned, clenching his hands into fists, watching her work his dick into herself, watching himself disappear into her. She was fucking tight. Like really fucking tight, and so wet. He looked her up and down as she began riding him. She had a lot of smooth, pale skin, her breasts were high and firm and small, topped by wonderful, dark pink nipples. Her short, light blonde hair hung around her face, looking a little wild. She had a lean, angular face that really accentuated her features in a way that he definitely liked.

  He liked a lot about her. She seemed so...carefree, so into the sex.

  And fuck was he ever into it.

  “Oh my fucking God, Ashley,” he whispered, reaching out and grabbing her slim hips.

  “ fucking love that, don’t you?” she murmured in reply, looking extremely satisfied with herself as she kept riding.

  “Yes. I do, I really fucking do. You are insanely tight.”

  “I should hope so. It’s been like three fucking months since I’ve gotten laid. I’m gonna pay for this in the morning, but a sore pussy is really worth this.”

  She reached down and grabbed his hands, then brought them up to her tits. He began groping them and she started riding him harder and faster. The slick friction of her vagina slipping up and down his cock was overwhelmingly good. It felt like his body was alive with sexual energy, like he was getting a mainline hit of pure pleasure, absolute gratification.

  “Come on, boy,” she whispered. “Come on, come for me. Fucking come for me, David...”

  “Uhn, fuck...Ashley...” he groaned loudly, his cock throbbing as it was saturated in absolute rapturous ecstasy.

  “Almost there, I can tell. I can feel’re gonna come so fucking much in my pussy...” she panted, and began chewing on her lower lip, a look of concentration on her face.

  David felt the pleasure hitting him in waves, slamming into him, shoving him violently towards an orgasm.

  “Come on, David...come on!” she shouted, going faster than ever.

  He screamed, grabbing her hips again, and let out a strangled, inarticulate sound as he thrust forcefully up into her and released the first spurt of his seed.

  “Oh yes! YES DAVID! YES!” she shrieked.

  He began moaning her name again and again as his cock jolted inside of her tight pussy, spraying her insides down with his seed, coming as hard and as fast as was possible. The sexual satisfaction blasted through his whole body, lighting him up with total bliss. He groaned and grunted, thrusting repeatedly up into her, shoving his dick deep and hard into her and just fucking pumping that sweet pussy of hers full of his stuff.

  And then he was finished, and he let out a sharp gasp and fell back against the bed. He opened his eyes and found himself staring up at her, and she was smiling down at him, looking satisfied, and a little smug, but happy.

  “That is what I wanted when I came out here,” she said. “Fuck, that was a good screw.”

  “A really goddamned good one,” he agreed as she got up off of him.

  He laid there, recovering, as she cleaned herself up and then dressed. By the time she was done, he’d tu
cked his dick away and zipped up, then he stood.

  “Now what?” he asked.

  “Told you, now we part ways. Well, we start walking back home and then part ways when the time comes for it.”

  He nodded and grabbed his pack. “Too bad we didn’t find more.”

  “Well,” she replied with a smirk, “we can always come back out and try again.”


  The walk home was uneventful, and he held her hand most of the way there.

  It felt good, though he did feel a sort of panicky guilt that he was still figuring out. He knew it was because he’d just fucked another woman away from his girlfriend...girlfriends...whatever his relationship was with April. But they both knew, so he had nothing to worry about. Evelyn had even encouraged him to have fun.

  They kissed and she promised to come see him at some point over the next few days before they parted ways. Once she was gone, he headed home. Well, towards his original home, to see if either of the ladies were still there. All the way back, he found himself alternating between feeling that weird, unnecessary guilt, and thinking a lot about what Ashley looked like nude, riding his cock. She’d look really good on her back with her legs in the air. He liked a lot of different positions, but for whatever reason he loved missionary the most. Or, well, maybe not even necessarily only missionary, but positions similar to that.

  He loved it when a woman was laying on her back at the edge of a bed, and he could stand up right against it and just fuck the shit out of her, and he could see their hips meeting and his cock disappearing into her over and over again.

  But all the other positions were pretty good.

  When he got back to his original home, he found the place empty. Checking it over, David saw that they had already cleared it out. And they’d done a good job, too. There was hardly anything useful left. He packed whatever he found leftover into his backpack, did one more sweep of the area, and then he left, heading to his new home.


  He made it to the camp without trouble, and found both of the women now in his life (well, his home life), on the third floor of the main building. The stairs let out into a hallway with three doors and several windows, giving an excellent view of the area. The door at the end led to a bathroom, while the two in the left side led to bedrooms. The first gave access to the master bedroom, where he and Evelyn would be staying, and the second led to April’s room. He poked his head into April’s room and knocked on the door.