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Haven 3 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem Page 3
Haven 3 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem Read online
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He always felt a vague discomfort as he shifted furniture, looked through cabinets and closets, and poked into every nook and cranny. This had been someone’s life once. Maybe a couple. Maybe a family. As he often did, he found himself wondering about what life might have been like before the apocalyptic scenario that had swept his entire planet, killing billions. There were still some people alive from those times, and they mostly told similar stories. He heard a lot about corporations. It was weird, because there really wasn’t anything like that now. The closest he’d seen was groups of people who ran larger settlements with an iron fist, bleeding people dry, getting the maximum amount of work out of them while investing the most minimum amount of resources in return.
The idea that the whole world worked like that before the apocalypse made him sick to his stomach every time he thought about it.
There were so many stories. People who would go into debt for the rest of their lives when they needed a life-saving treatment. It didn’t make any sense to him, what was the alternative? Die? And it wasn’t as if there wasn’t an abundance of resources available back then. There were a ton more people, but apparently they had far more than enough for everyone. He still didn’t fully understand why it was allowed, though he’d been told it wasn’t like that everywhere, necessarily, mostly just in these lands he’d roamed his whole life.
Much about the world from before didn’t make sense to him, and he didn’t know which one was worse.
They didn’t find too much in the house. The kitchen was bare, but he found a pair of books in the living room, beneath a ripped up couch. They didn’t look familiar and he stashed them in his pack, glad that he could so regularly give gifts to April that made her so genuinely happy. After finding nothing else on the first floor, they headed up to the second one and split up, searching more. One of the rooms had once belonged to a child, and he almost passed over the scattering of toys he found, but they had children of various ages living with them now. So, he began gathering up the blocks, tiny cars, and dolls he’d found.
As he was finishing up, he heard Ellie come into the room behind him. She looked at what he was packing up. “What are you doing?”
He shoved the last of it into his pack and closed it, then turned to face her. “For the kids,” he replied. “I thought it’d be nice.”
“Oh...” Her confused expression softened. “That’s really...kind of you.” She hesitated and, strangely, looked guilty.
“What?” he asked, standing up.
“I...it’s nothing,” she replied, and turned away abruptly, then began walking deeper into the second story to continue her own search. David stood still for a few seconds, wondering what that had been about. Did she have a problem with him taking toys? He supposed it would be in line with her personality. Ellie struck him as more of a pure survival mentality kind of woman, who might hesitate at wasting time and resources on something considered frivolous. Well, at least she wasn’t giving him shit about it, and it wasn’t like he was going to change his mind. He moved on to an old bathroom and spent a little while hunting through that, searching the tub, under the sink, in the tiny built-in closet, and almost gave up.
Until he looked at the toilet tank and then lifted the lid.
“Oh fuck yes,” he whispered when he saw what was inside.
Someone had stuffed a little stash in the long-dried toilet tank. He found a few magazines of nine millimeter bullets, an unmarked bottle of pills, hopefully painkillers or antibiotics, April would almost certainly be able to tell him which, and a few cans of beans. It was obvious that it had been here awhile, and hopefully whoever it was wouldn’t come looking for it. David quickly took it and slipped it all into his pack, then went to join Ellie.
He found her searching the last room in the house. Her movements were stiff and he wondered if he’d pissed her off. He didn’t think he’d done anything to upset her, but Ellie was...unpredictable, and kind of moody. She didn’t seem interested in talking, so he just helped her finish her search. They only found a few clothes and another book that he tucked away into his pack, then started heading downstairs.
“Did you find anything?” she asked as they headed back outside.
“Yeah. Some ammo, a bit of food and medicine,” he replied.
“Oh. Good.” She paused and looked around. “There’s one more building I know about, a cabin. It’s a little farther on, come on.”
She struck off southbound again, and he followed after her.
“Ellie, did I piss you off?” They’d been walking for another ten minutes at this point and he couldn’t take it anymore.
“What? No,” she replied, looking over at him, startled.
“Then what’s wrong?” he asked. She stared at him for a few seconds longer, then looked away. He sighed. “Ellie, you can trust me. I think I’ve proven that by now.”
“That’s not what concerns me,” she murmured.
“What concerns you, then?” he asked.
“I...forming attachments concerns me,” she replied. “But that’s not what’s bothering me. Just...seeing you in there, with the toys, and the books you get for April, I just...it reminds me of when I was, shall we say, harsher. I wasn’t always harsh, but I used to yell at people for doing things like that. For wasting time on stuff like that when survival was at stake. I certainly had a reputation for being able to keep you alive, but I didn’t have any friends. I liked that. I thought attachments slowed you down.”
“But…?” he asked. “I mean, obviously there’s a ‘but’, given where you are now and what you’re doing.”
She sighed. “But someone eventually taught me, or really reminded me, that...a life without happiness isn’t much of a life. And while it is one thing to keep myself from joy, it is much worse to do it to others. It’s cruel. And I stopped doing that. But I spent what felt like a long time being like that, and seeing you and what you’re doing for them, is just...it makes me feel guilty, and ashamed. I once...tossed a little girl’s doll into a fire. In front of her. After ripping it from her hands.”
“Fuck,” David muttered, because he didn’t know what else to say.
“Yeah...I thought I was helping her. I was sure I was helping her, in the long run. I saw myself in her, and I wished that someone had taught me to not be weak from a younger age. I thought I was saving her that pain, further down the line, when the world really came and stomped your guts out. But I wasn’t. I was just being cruel, and I was wrong, and I hate it so much. I hate remembering that. I still have nightmares about it.” She laughed miserably. “All the nasty, savage shit I’ve seen and I still have nightmares about throwing a doll into a fire and listening to a young girl cry.”
“I’m so sorry,” David said.
“Not as sorry as I am.”
“What...happened? After?”
She sighed. “Even then, I felt guilty. I just thought it was my weakness speaking. After a few days, I finally went out looking for another doll. I found one, I gave it to her, I apologized. Her parents were mad at me, but they were also scared of me. The girl...forgave me. I don’t know why. I still don’t know why. I never forgave myself. In the end, the village I was at back then fell to an attack. I managed to save her and her family, and some others. I got them to another, more secure village, and then I left. I just left.” She slowed down as they reached the cabin in question.
“Ellie,” he said quietly, stepping up next to her, “I’m sorry.”
“I don’t-” she hesitated, then turned towards him. She looked more miserable than he’d ever seen her. “I don’t fucking-”
He opened his arms and she immediately hugged him. He thought she would cry, and she did, a little bit, but not much. He supposed even now she had more control and was so unwilling to let herself cry. He kind of knew what it felt like. Crying sort of felt like...a surrender. A failure. He knew that was stupid, but he couldn’t help but feel that way on the occasions when he did cry. So he stood there and he
ld her, hugging her tightly against him, keeping an eye out for zombies. After several minutes, she let go of him and stepped back.
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention this to anyone,” she said.
“Of course not, Ellie. I would never betray you like that,” he replied.
“Thank you,” she murmured. “You’re...much kinder than I deserve.”
“Everyone fucks up, Ellie.”
“I know. I just...that’s one of those ones that’s never going to leave me.” She heaved a long, tired sigh. “Let’s just...search this cabin and go home.”
They checked the outside first, and once they were sure it was clear, the pair of them headed in through the front door, having to force it open. The cabin, at least, was small and simple. There were just two rooms: a bathroom and everything else. They spent half an hour picking over everything carefully, hunting beneath the furniture, in the cabinets, checking for hidden panels in the floor, the ceiling, or any of the walls. Mostly it was a fruitless search, finding nothing but dust and trash and empty spaces, pausing occasionally to look out the windows and see if anything was creeping up on them from the outside.
But near the end, he was checking out the last corner of the main room after pulling a dresser away from the wall, and there he found it: a section of the floor was removable. It was decently well hidden, but he managed to stick his knife in the crack and popped it open without any real trouble. Turning on the little flashlight he brought for just such occasions, he shined it down into the hole where a backpack waited. It was covered in dust and dirt and looked like it had been there for, at least, months, if not longer.
David reached in and grabbed it quickly. He was always paranoid of places like this. Anything could be down there. But no monstrous hand shot out and snagged him as he successfully retrieved the pack. Just in case, he put the section of flooring back in place and shoved the dresser back so that one of the legs of the heavy piece of furniture sat directly on the panel.
“What is it?” Ellie asked as he dropped into a crouch and unzipped the pack.
David peered in. “Cans,” he said. “Vegetables, mostly,” he murmured, pulling a few out and studying them. He piled up close to a dozen cans of food, each marked with simple words. Carrots, green beans, peas, corn, two cans of chopped beef. Beneath it, two bottles of water, and a combat knife, a good one, complete with a leather sheath.
“Fuck me, that’s nice,” he muttered, studying the blade. He put it all back and zipped up the pack, then stood up. He realized Ellie had gone quiet and looked over at her. He half-expected her to be staring out a window, maybe having caught sight of something, but she was staring directly at him, and her gaze was steady and strong. “...what?” he asked.
A slow grin spread across her face and she stepped up to him. “You said the magic words,” she replied, and she kissed him.
For a second, he had no idea what she was talking about, but he was certainly happy that this was happening. He kissed her back, hugging her to him, and she slipped her tongue easily into his mouth. He twined it with his own, enjoying her taste and the unique texture and the wonderful experience of making out with her.
When she pulled back, he said, “Oh...magic words. Fuck me.”
She snorted. “David, sometimes you’re kind of thick.” He felt her hand caress his crotch, where his erection strained against his clothing. “Not that that’s a problem...”
“You think I’ve got a big dick?” he replied.
She rolled her eyes and gave him a little shove, then took off her shirt. “You’re about average for length, maybe a little more,” she said. “But you’ve definitely got girth, which is where it counts, in my book at least. Cait complains about it sometimes.”
“What do you mean?” he asked. He’d never heard any complaints from Cait.
“She says sucking your dick is exhausting, she has to open her mouth as wide as possible to avoid getting her teeth on it,” she replied.
“Oh.” He took off his shirt. “I’m not sure how to feel about that.”
“I understand,” Ellie said, pulling her pants down. As usual, she had opted out of any kind of underclothes. “On the one hand, hey, big dick. On the other hand, functionally, it’s causing irritation for your girlfriend. Although she’s got no complaints when you stick it in her other holes, so...” she shrugged, standing nude before him now, “probably a net win.”
He began to undo his pants, but she stepped up and touched his hand. “Leave them on.”
“Uh, okay. Any particular reason?” he asked, unzipping his pants and beginning to work his cock out through the hole.
She shrugged. “Dunno, just like it that way. Come on. I haven’t fucked in four days.” She took his hand and pulled him over to the bed.
“Seriously? Who would turn you down?” he replied.
“First, I was really busy. Second, you’re the only guy I like and trust enough to let stick his cock in me at this point. I thought about swinging by the doctor’s place to fuck one of them there, but, well, I was busy.”
“What were you busy with?” he asked as she sat down.
“Nothing that really matters, now come on!” she replied, yanking him down onto the bed.
And then they were kissing again, and he was running his hands across her wonderfully fit, blue-furred body. Ellie was in fantastic shape, probably the best shape of any of the women he shared a bed with nowadays. He groped her firm breasts, ran his hands down across her wonderful hips to her athletic thighs as she roughly kissed him. His fingertip found her clit and she let out a cry of surprised pleasure as he began to rub it.
“Oh fuck you are good with that,” she whispered, eyes closed, face an inch from his as she began to revel in the pleasure of his foreplay. She shuddered against him, arching her back briefly. “You find it and touch it in just the right way immediately...oh, David, you just...oh yes...” And then she gasped and moaned loudly and kissed him again.
He grinned into the kiss and kept fingering her, pleasuring her more intensely. There was a particular, and powerful, satisfaction in pleasuring a woman like Ellie. She was so tough and confident and strong in everything she did, and she allowed him to see her at her most vulnerable, trusted him with her pleasure, with her nude body, and he was able to more than deliver, he was so happy to find. But besides that, he just liked giving her pleasure. She deserved it. Ellie was a good person, and she’d been through so much, far more than he knew, he was learning, and a good orgasm delivered by someone you liked was one of the truest pleasures in the world, as far as David was concerned. His girlfriends seemed to agree with him.
“Oh, David!” she cried, and her hips bucked suddenly before he could even get a finger inside of her, and she began to come.
She was such a squirter.
“Ellie, shh!” he replied.
“I c-can’t help-oh my fucking God yes!” she cried, and pressed a hand over her own mouth. He continued fingering her as she orgasmed, her whole body going rigid and then trembling furiously, hips jerking as she came and came and just fucking came. He looked up and down her wonderfully trim, fit, blue-furred body as she climaxed. She was such a sexy fucking woman. Abruptly, she stopped and reached out and grabbed him.
“Fucking get inside me now!” she growled.
“Okay,” he replied, rolling over on top of her. She opened her legs for him, sticking them in the air as he got lined up with her.
She reached down and grabbed his cock, lined him up, and wrapped her legs around his waist, then squeezed, forcing him into her.
“Ohhhhhhhh, Ellie...” he groaned loudly as he slid into her.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
He immediately began fucking her, thrusting into her, setting a furious pace right out of the gate, and she let out a long, satisfied moan of bliss as he did so. She spread her legs again, sticking them back up into the air, and laid there and let him drill the fuck out of her. One of the absolute best thin
gs about sex with inhumans, David was forcefully reminded as he was bathed in the bliss of their sexual union, was there was no reason at all to use protection. And bareback sex was, as far as he’d been able to determine, the single greatest goddamned motherfucking pleasure in existence. He buried his entire length into Ellie again and again, listening to her moan and cry out in impassioned ecstasy as she took his cock, pushing up with her firm, powerful hips.
And he was reminded that yes, there was no denying it: Ellie had the greatest pussy.
Barely within half a minute he was struggling not to blow his load. It just felt too fucking good. It was like an overload of pure pleasure, all that tight, hot, wetness. Really, it was the wetness. She was so fucking wet!
“Ah, yes, David! Yes! Give me that fat fucking cock!” she yelled, and he went harder, making the bed creak and shake violently as he pounded her fucking brains out. Part of him knew this was really dangerous, because noise definitely attractive undead, and they were being noisy as hell, but the rest of him just could not care because the absolute rapturous gratification of plunging his cock into her as hard and as fast as he could was overwhelming him.
“This is why you didn’t want me banging Cait,” he growled at her.
“Yes!” she snapped, hugging him to her. “Yes, I fucking wanted this dick for myself, goddamnit! Oh God...fuck...don’t stop...” she moaned.
“Gonna be tough...your pussy is just too...oh, it’s too good, Ellie...” he groaned.
“I know-ah!-it is. Keep going...please, keep going,” she begged.
It was a good thing that he’d already had sex once today, because if he hadn’t, he wouldn’t have been able to hold back. That, and the fact that he’d been getting a lot of practice over the past few weeks. David held on, continuing to ram her, pushing deep down inside of her. He kissed her hard on the mouth and she moaned and kissed him back, shoving her tongue into his mouth and hugging him tightly, moving her wonderful, soft body against his own. He knew she was trying to get another orgasm out, which he was more than happy to supply her with, but she was holding him too closely against herself for him to reach down and rub her clit, and she didn’t seem at all interested in letting him go.