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Haven 2 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem Page 4

  “Yes, they are. And it’s fine. They know about, uh, us,” David replied. He paused. “Wait, how do you know about them?”

  “I ran into Ellie and we talked. She told me about them.”

  “Oh, that makes sense. All right, come on. You can meet them.”

  “Okay, cool.”

  He led her into the bedroom, where April was still sitting in her chair and Evelyn was done dressing and sitting back on the edge of the bed.

  “Hi, I’m Cait,” she said.



  “How’d you find us?” David asked.

  “Like I said, ran into Ellie. I saw her today. She pointed me to a cabin, and also here. Said you or one of your girls would be at one of them. I’ve got a job, and I want to share it with you,” Cait explained.

  “What kind of job?”

  “Go to a place, search the place for supplies. I’ll split the reward with you.”

  “What’s the reward?”

  “What do you need?”

  He glanced at Evelyn, who shrugged. “At this point, we need everything.”

  “We’ll figure something out. So, what do you say? Come with me? Work with me?” She grinned and he was again struck by her intense natural beauty. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  He looked back to the other two women. Evelyn was just smirking. “Go on, babe. We can hold the fort here. Have fun. Again.”

  “Have you had fun already today?” Cait asked.

  “He’s had fun twice so far,” Evelyn replied.

  “My my. Okay then, let’s do this.”

  “I’ll be back,” David said, kissing and hugging both Evelyn and April. “Stay safe.”

  “You too. We’ll be here, David,” Evelyn said.

  “Good luck,” April murmured.

  And then he and Cait were heading downstairs.


  “So, have you been?” David asked.

  They had left the campgrounds that were now his home, and had struck off east, roughly back in the direction of his cabin and the farms. It was a decent day out, for winter. It was above freezing at least, or so he thought. Still cold, especially when the winds gusted through the dead trees. In the distance, he saw the occasional zombie stumbling around, and also a bit of wildlife here or there. He needed to take up hunting again, as it was an excellent source of both food and trade. You could get a lot for a good skin.

  “Good,” Cait replied. “I’ve been busy. Really busy. A lot of people were displaced after River View fell. Ellie and I and a few others have been working hard to keep them alive and safe. And I’ve heard tell that you’ve been doing your part.”

  “When I can,” he said. “If I can help, I do.”

  “That’s a very good, and sexy, trait, you know. Too few people are helpful just for the sake of being helpful. I’m glad I met you.”

  “I’m really glad I met you,” David murmured.

  She grinned. “I know. I still think about that night we had wanna do it again?”

  “Do you even need to ask?”

  She giggled. “I guess not. I’m sure we can work something out. I’m assuming since you aren’t shooting me down, your girlfriends will be okay with you sticking it in my pussy until we both come, huh?” she asked, reaching out and running a finger gently down his cheek.

  “I, uh...yeah. No, I mean, no they won’t mind. They’ll want to watch, I’m sure,” he replied.

  “Good. Really good. I’d love to watch you bang Evelyn. Not only is she gorgeous, but I fucking love seeing human on goliath sex. Honestly, anything on goliath sex. It’s the size disparity that really gets me hot and bothered.”

  “I’d like that, too. And I know Evelyn would. I wouldn’t have thought so when we first met, but she’s a real, uh...exhibitionist, I guess,” David replied.

  Cait smirked. “Who you are when you get naked and sweaty often has very little overlap with who you are the rest of the time.”

  “Which doesn’t seem super true with you,” he said.

  Her smirk broadened a bit. “Yep. I wear my heart...I guess you could say I wear my pussy on my sleeve. I love sex. I love flirting. I intend to have sex with you before the day is over.”

  “That’s...very exciting,” he replied, feeling his heart picking up speed at the thought of her naked and riding his cock, her big tits bouncing.

  He still sometimes dreamed about what it felt like, her bare vagina sleeved tight around his rock hard cock, sliding rapidly up and down…

  Something suddenly occurred to him. “Have you had sex with Ellie?”

  “Yeah,” Cait replied. “Several times. I love it when she licks my clit. She’s got a perfect tongue for it. It’s got this weird texture...” She looked at him suddenly. “Have you slept with Ellie?”

  “I, um, no,” he replied quickly, but he could feel himself blushing.

  “Oh my God, you are so sweet,” she said.


  “You lied for her. That’s really sweet. Don’t worry, I already talked with Ellie about you. I kind of pried it out of her that she’d let you fuck the shit out of her. She’s a private person, but we’re best friends. She said she fucked you like three times in a watchtower. I was just curious if you’d lie for her,” Cait replied.

  “Well...she seemed, do I put it? I guess, her general demeanor made me think that she didn’t quite want anyone else knowing.”

  “Yeah, she’s like that. Don’t take it personally, she’s not ashamed that she fucked you. I think she’s just ashamed that she fucked at all. Like it’s some kind of weakness or something.” Now Cait frowned. “ still mysterious to me. She’s very guarded, and it’s hard to pry stuff out of her. I don’t really know a lot about her. But I do know she likes you. And she doesn’t like many people. And even among the people she does like and trust...very few of them are men.” She regained her smirk. “It’s so hard not to tease the fuck out of her that she’s got a crush. I’d do it if I wasn’t afraid she’d cut off contact with you just to spite me.”

  “I’d really appreciate it if that didn’t happen,” David said, a little alarmed at the thought of that. Besides the sex and the fact that Ellie was a fantastic ally to have, he did like her. She was a good person. Kind of rough around the edges and slow to trust, but good.

  “Don’t worry. If Ellie stops fucking you, it won’t be because of me. To be totally honest, it’s a personal fantasy of mine to talk that girl into a threesome. If you could be the third in that threesome, it would just be...oh, it would be great!”

  “That would be fucking amazing,” David whispered, considering it.

  They both fell silent, and he had the idea that she was imagining, or really fantasizing, about that threesome as well. Finally, he decided that it was probably time to get a little more serious and figure out what was happening.

  “So, what are we actually doing out here, Cait?” he asked.

  “Oh, right. That. There’s an abandoned train station up ahead, maybe a mile away, past the farms. I’ve been meaning to check it out ever since I found out about it. People have been avoiding it. I keep hearing about how dangerous it is. Trouble is, no one can agree on why it’s dangerous. Which typically reeks of either someone trying to keep people out and spreading lies, or just one of those situations where there’s a big cache of supplies no one touches because everyone thinks that either A, it’s too dangerous, or B, surely someone else must’ve gone there by now. So I want to check it out,” she explained.

  “And if it is too dangerous?” David asked.

  “Then we leave empty-handed, and your reward is hot, unprotected vagina from a hot redhead who will let you bust so hard inside of her,” Cait replied.

  “ for me.”

  She laughed. “I figured it would. Works for me, too. Your cock is pretty rewarding.”

  “Um, thanks,” he replied, and she laughed again.

It was weird being around Cait again, but in a really good way. She was an amazing person. So vibrant and happy and honest and...sexual. In a way, it was pretty refreshing. Too many people were guarded. He understood why, he didn’t necessarily think they were wrong to be guarded. It was a bad world, and it was getting worse. Besides the elements and the horrific creatures roaming the countryside, you still had people to worry about. People that might kidnap you, or rob you, or kill you. People visited a lot of horror onto each other.

  For a long time now, David had longed for someone he could just...not worry about. A group of someones, a community. And it really seemed like he might be on the path to having exactly that. He trusted Evelyn, he trusted April, and he trusted Cait and Ellie as well.

  “Who else did you have fun with?” Cait asked.

  “What?” David replied. They had passed the farms and were now making their way across the open area where he and Ellie had killed a giant not too long ago.

  “Evelyn said you’d had fun twice today. I got that once was with her, at least I think. Was the other with April? Or someone else?”

  “Someone else. I was going to with April, but then you showed up.”

  “Well...I’d apologize for cock-blocking you, except I’m not, because you’re still getting pussy from I guess I should apologize to her...I could eat her out to make it up to her.”

  “Oh my fucking God, that would be so awesome to watch. But, um, there was another woman. Another human survivor. She asked me for help with something, searching a building out in the woods. Turns out it was just a pretext to get away from her family for a bit, and fuck me. Which was really nice. That was a great sex session.”

  “I bet. She human or inhuman?”



  She paused as they both heard something. They had since reentered the woods. David pulled out his pistol and looked around. A zombie stepped around a tree and began to come for them, moving swiftly. It still freaked him out to see them moving with such a sense of purpose. He aimed and fired, putting a neat hole in its forehead and dropping it in an instant. It thumped to the ground and the gunshot echoed across the area. They both waited, scanning the area around them for more movement, but saw nothing.

  “You’re quick, and a good shot,” Cait said as he walked over to his kill and performed a quick search. It didn’t have anything on it.

  “Thanks,” he said, getting back up. They resumed their walk. “I’ve had a lot of practice.”

  “Most adults still alive have,” Cait murmured.

  They kept walking, and they managed to reach the train station without running into any more troubles. David thought about what he knew of trains as they came out of the trees and got a good look at the place. It was a simple structure, not very large, built next to some old, rusted out train tracks. The only other thing he could see besides the building and tracks for a long ways in either direction was a single derelict train car.

  The side door to the train car was open, but it was dark inside.

  “Ready?” Cait asked.

  David pulled his pistol back out. “I’m ready.”

  “Okay. Ellie tells me you’re good in the field, not just in bed. Let’s see you put those skills to use, and afterwards, you can show me your other skills,” she said, smirking at him. Then she set off. David found his eyes briefly drawn to her ass, which was thick, shapely, and filled out her cargo pants very nicely. He shook his head and made himself focus.

  Sex later.

  Work now.

  He followed after her. They made a slow approach to the train car. David kept a good sight on the area, looking repeatedly at the lone structure. It was closed up, and looked somehow threatening and ominous. He listened intently, trying to determine if he heard footsteps other than their own. But all he heard was the occasional gust of wind. His nose though, that was telling him bad things. He smelled old blood, and death.

  They reached the cart and checked behind it and, finding nothing, Cait pulled out a flashlight. She flicked it on and pointed it into the interior.

  “Oh fuck,” she whispered.

  They could see a big spray of dried blood across the closed door on the other side of the car. She moved the flashlight around, checking both sides. There were a few still forms in there, what might have been corpses, but nothing that looked actually alive.

  “I’ll go first,” David said.

  “I’ve got your back,” Cait replied.

  Reluctantly, he holstered his pistol, then planted his hands against the floor of the cart, which was a good three feet off the ground, and climbed up inside. The smell was worse, a lot worse. It was like he was getting blasted by it. He gagged, then tried to ignore it as he turned and helped Cait up into it. He then pulled out his own flashlight and the two of them began their search. It was obvious that someone had set up shop in the car, and recently too. There was a small metal barrel that had served nicely as a fire-pit, a little collection of blankets and pillows on an old, stained mattress, and a few backpacks and other random supplies strewn about.

  And one body, ripped up badly.

  “Fuck, man,” David whispered, studying it all.

  The place was a bloody wreck. Something had come screaming into this car and torn a few people to pieces, and run off with most of the pieces.

  “What do you think did it?” Cait murmured.


  “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  They quickly salvaged whatever supplies they could, shoving some sealed food that had been spared from the bloodbath, and a few other trinkets into their packs. Then they got out of there as fast as they could. Once they were back outside, David moved several paces away and took several deep breaths, trying to empty his lungs, his throat, his nostrils of the smell. Fuck, it had been bad. Overwhelming.

  He spat a few times, trying not to vomit.

  “You gonna be okay?” Cait asked.

  “Fine,” he replied, a little more sharply than he meant to, straightening up. “I’m fine.”

  “Hey,” she said softly, coming up to him and taking his hand. Her tone caught him off guard and he looked at her. There was concern in her blue eyes. “I don’t buy into that ‘men can never show weakness’ shit. You can, you know, be weak around me.”

  He realized she had a point. That had been running through his head just then, somewhere far in the background. He relaxed. “Thank you,” he said quietly, “but I’m okay, really.”

  “Okay. Good. Because...” she sighed softly and looked reluctantly at the building, “now we need to go in there.”

  David’s gaze followed hers. The building seemed even more threatening now.

  They both lingered there for a moment, standing together in the cold winter sun, and then Cait began walking. David started up after her almost immediately. Facing something like this was always a hell of a lot easier with another person you could trust and rely on at your side. Readjusting his grip on his pistol, he tried to loosen up, rolling his shoulders and popping his neck as they walked across the open space between the car and the building. It was built onto a concrete platform that stood about three feet up off the ground.

  There were four openings that were closed, sealed off by metal shutters that had rusted shut long ago. He saw only a single door, placed in the middle of the building. It was ajar, just by about two inches, and what lay beyond it was only darkness. They kept a slow and even pace as they approached the train station. Sometimes, some of the things that wanted to kill you couldn’t wait, and would burst out of hiding if enough time passed. But other times they were immensely patient, lying in wait for as long as was necessary, until the perfect moment came to pass, and they struck with a terrifying speed, like lightning.

  Nothing came out of the building as they finished their approach.

  David led the way, moving up some crumbling concrete stairs built along the side of the platform. He reached the top and moved slowly over to the door,
preparing himself for the worst. Still nothing happened as he reached the door. The tension was getting irritating. He pulled his flashlight back out and flicked it on, then brought his two hands, and the light and the pistol, together.

  “You ready?” he asked as they both stood in front of the door.

  “I’m ready,” Cait confirmed.

  David stepped forward and pushed the door open with his foot, then took a step back as it creaked open, waiting for something to happen.

  Nothing did.

  He aimed his flashlight into the opening, annoyed with how dark it was. Weren’t there windows? It was broad fucking daylight out, why were there little more than a few narrow, dim shafts of light in there? His own light revealed a big, open space. He saw a dusty, dirty floor of old tiling, and some benches fitted to the floor, and a lot of trash and refuse in there. It smelled bad. He caught a whiff of old blood again.

  But there was nothing moving in there.

  Gathering his courage, David moved forward. He shifted the light across the big, empty space as he moved cautiously into the room. For a few seconds, he stood at the threshold, checking his immediately left and right. A perfect place for someone or something to hide. The smell was worse. There was nothing hiding to either side of him, and as far as he could tell, nothing obvious in the main area, either.

  “I think it’s clear,” he said to Cait, who joined him.

  “I dunno, something about this isn’t right. Something killed those people, and obviously there’s something dead in here, too,” she murmured.

  “Maybe it moved on, whatever it was. That body and the blood were at least a day old, maybe older,” he suggested.

  “Maybe...” But she didn’t sound convinced. He didn’t really feel convinced, either.

  They stood there a moment longer, looking over the big room. It was mostly empty space, but along the back wall, he could see more of those shuttered windows, though a few of them were open, and a few doors, too, leading to other rooms.