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Haven 3 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem Page 5

  “Yeah?” he asked, turning around.

  “Get your ass down here,” she snapped softly.

  She looked...excited. He could see down her shirt from this angle. “Okay.”

  He walked back down and as soon as he was close enough, she took his hand and quickly guided him off to the room next to the kitchen that they had yet to make real use of. He had an idea to turn it into an armory, but for now it was packed full of tables and chairs. They’d done a bit to organize it, making sure nothing was hiding among the stored furniture, but not much.

  “Yes?” he asked as she pushed the door most of the way closed. The only light now came in the form of moonlight spilling in through the window. She looked eerily beautiful as she stared at him. Cait answered by pressing her lips to his and that pulse of hungry desire was right there, and he didn’t just want her, he fucking needed her. He grabbed her and hugged her tightly to him, kissing her back firmly, and she moaned in response. He kissed harder and pushed her back up against the nearest wall, knocking over one of the chairs in the process.

  “Oh!” she said, startled, then laughed, then resumed kissing him.

  He got his hand up under the t-shirt she was wearing. She wasn’t wearing anything beneath it. He groaned as he took one of her big, firm breasts in his grasp and began groping it. It only intensified his hungry need for her.

  Behind them, in the middle of the room, was a pretty sturdy desk. He turned around, grabbing her and bringing her around, and she let out a little squeal of delight as he did so.

  “Get your fucking pants off,” he growled, undoing the button on her cargo pants as he walked her back towards the desk.

  “Yes, sir,” she murmured, kissed him once more, then quickly pulled her pants down. She’d also opted out of panties, as she often seemed to. She barely managed to fold up her pants and set them down where her ass would go, given the desk would be cold, before he picked her up and sat her down on it.

  “Get your fucking legs open,” he said as he undid his zipper and quickly began getting his cock out, just like he’d done with Ellie.

  “Yes, sir,” she panted, and leaned back, putting her hands behind her to support her. She raised her legs and spread them out, and in the moonlight he could just make out her glistening, slick pussy, ready to get fucked. As soon as he was out, David stepped back up to her and slipped his rigid dick inside of her.

  She let out a long, loud moan as she took it into herself. He grabbed her and kissed her hard as he started fucking her, sliding his cock smoothly in and out of her, groaning at the immediately intense wave of pure bliss that was her vagina.

  “Yesssss, David...” she moaned loudly between kisses. “I fucking...oh God...I fucking missed you today...” she groaned and wrapped her legs around him.

  He held her tightly to him and started going harder and faster. “I missed you too, Cait. Oh my fucking God, I missed you so much.”

  “Come on, give it to me, honey. Give me that fat cock,” she moaned.

  He reached down and yanked her shirt up and she leaned back a little, letting him get it up over her big tits. They looked beyond amazing, firm and pale, bouncing wonderfully as they fucked. He looked down between them, staring at her amazing body, looking past her tits, down to her thick, pale thighs and his cock, disappearing into her sweet, pink pussy again and again. He was going to blow the biggest fucking load inside of her.

  “I can’t fuck for long,” she panted, and he looked back up at her achingly beautiful face. “Gotta pull guard duty. That’s why I-ah!-why I did this.”

  “You’re gonna be up all night and go to the doctors?” he asked, then groaned as she squeezed him with her legs, pushing him all the way inside of her.

  “No babe, Jim’s gonna take over for me at two in the morning, then I’ll get some sleep, then I’ll get up and go. I’ll be fine, don’t you worry about me. I can take care of myself,” she said, grinning, her eyes wide and full of lust. “Now fucking come in me. I want to feel you fucking orgasming inside me. I want all of it in me.”

  “Oh fucking...oh Cait...” he moaned, hammering away at her pussy.

  There were no more words for the rest of the short session, just grunting and panting and moaning, and then he was coming, and she let out a cry of her own as she began to orgasm shortly after he triggered. He pumped her sweet human pussy full of his seed, emptying his nuts into her one, hard contraction at a time, shooting his load into her in thick spurts. He filled her up, just like she’d demanded, and felt her coming all over the front of his pants and his dick. He listened to her inarticulate moans and grunts of pleasure, stared into her beautiful blue eyes, bare inches from his as she stared back, both of them locked in the unified bliss of mutual orgasm. They both held each other tightly until they had finished coming.

  “Oh wow...fuck...” David whispered as he leaned against her, and she against him, both of them getting their breaths back.

  “Goddamn do I love your cock,” she groaned as he pulled out of her. She put a hand over herself, then sighed. “This is the problem with you busting your fucking nut in me.” She got up and turned around, then began sorting through her pockets with her other hand. He looked down at her ass as he began to button himself back up, but then gave up, because he was going to have to change his pants and boxers anyway.

  Fuck, she had a fat ass.

  She found her rag and began cleaning herself up. While she did that, he just took his pants and his boxers off, since her sex juices were already getting cold. “I gotta go change, babe.”

  “Okay,” she said, finishing up. She tugged her shirt back down into place, then started getting her pants on. “Give me a kiss, I’ve gotta go get ready for guard duty.”

  He kissed her, then left her to it, heading back out into the hallway. He looked around, wondering if anyone had come to listen. Probably someone had, and had snuck off in the interval of time between now and when the sex had actually finished. Probably Ellie. Usually, whenever sex was happening, someone came to watch or listen.

  Or jump in.

  He headed upstairs, holding his clothes, and got back into his and Evie’s bedroom. He took the stuff he carried around in his pockets and on his belt out and set it on his dresser, then tossed the dirty clothes into a pile that he needed to wash very soon. He went over to the washbasin and quickly washed himself off, then pulled on a fresh set of undershorts and cargo pants. After replacing his gear, he moved over to his backpack and dug out the three books he’d managed to find. With these in hand, he stepped back out into the hallway and moved over to April’s door, which was open a crack. He knocked on it.

  “Come in,” she said.

  He pushed it open and found her laying in bed, reading by candlelight. “Hello, beautiful,” he said, stepping in and pushing the door mostly shut behind him.

  “Hi,” she replied, smiling and setting her book aside. “What’s up?”

  “I brought you some presents,” he replied, crossing the room to stand beside the bed. He pulled the three books out from behind his back and handed them to her.

  “Holy shit, thank you!” She took them from him and looked over them, a true and honest happiness lighting up her face. He never saw her as happy as when she was looking over a brand new book, and that alone was worth hunting for them. Though before long, he saw her smile falter, and she looked up at him, a little nervous.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Yes. I just...normally I know we have sex when you bring me these and I’m kinda...I’m not feeling it right now...” she murmured.

  “April,” he said, and crouched down beside the bed, then took one of her hands. “You don’t have to do anything sexual with me. I don’t want you to ever feel like you must do that. You should only have sex or give oral or whatever when you want to...” he hesitated. “You haven’t been having sex with me when you don’t want to, have you?” he asked, suddenly worried. He didn’t think so, he thought he would’ve been able to pick up
on that…

  “No, no, David,” she replied, setting the books aside and gently squeezing his hand. “No, so far, all the times we’ve fucked, it’s because I wanted to.”

  He studied her for a moment, then nodded, feeling relieved. He believed her. “I don’t want you to ever feel pressured.”

  “I don’t. You’ve been really good to me. I mean really, I just feel bad. I know how much you love sex, and I want to make you feel good, you know...reward you, for all the nice things you do,” she explained.

  “Sex is always appreciated, but I don’t want you feeling like you owe me. I do nice things for you because I want to. I want to make you happy. This relationship is going fine, April, just the way it is now.”

  “Okay...I would like it if you laid with me for a little while,” she said.

  “I’d like that too,” he replied, and she shifted aside and raised the blankets for him. He took off his boots and got in next to her, then wrapped his arms around her and hugged her to him. She hugged him back, burying her face in his chest.

  “I want you to know,” she said, her voice a little muffled, “that you’re the best boyfriend I’ve ever had. Honestly, you’re the nicest man who has ever been in my life. And Evie and Cait are the nicest women. You three have changed my life.”

  “I’m sorry that it was miserable before, but I’m glad we could help you so much,” he replied, hugging her a little more tightly. She felt good to hold, felt good and comfortable in his arms, pressing herself against him. A few of the nights he’d come in here and slept with her all night, holding her like this, or pressing up against her back, and she always seemed to respond so well to it, like it was the thing she wanted most in the world.

  “It sucked before, but before is over, and nothing can change before. Right now is what matters. At least that’s what Cait tells me. She’s right, but it’s hard to really, you know, believe it. I mean like fully. The shit from left scars. But Cait’s helping a lot.”

  “You two seem to be getting along really well,” David replied.

  “We are.” She paused, then pulled her head back slightly and looked up at him. “You aren’t jealous...are you?”

  “No, not at all,” he replied, and he kissed her forehead. “I’m happy. I’m thrilled. I want the two of you to get along. I want us all to get along. I love where this is going, and how well we get along with each other.”

  “That’s good. I’m sorry to keep asking, keep checking on stuff like that, I just...get nervous. Because it’s like my brain keeps telling me, every day, over and over, that you’re all lying, and you really hate me, or you’re just putting up with me, or maybe it’s good now, but it’s going to get fucked up. I’m just so fucking insecure. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, I know how you feel,” he said. “I’ve definitely got insecurities of my own. Evie does. Even Cait and Ellie do. They’re just...better at hiding it.” He sighed softly. “I don’t really know what advice to give you.”

  “Cait told me...just don’t feed it. That’s what she said. She said, when that voice speaks up, and tells you what a failure you are, ignore it. Don’t feed it. I told her sometimes it’s impossible to ignore, and even when it’s not it’s so hard. She said it gets easier over time. I just have to keep doing it. Keep practicing, like any other skill.”

  “That makes sense,” he murmured. She put her head back down against his chest and he rubbed the back of her neck, feeling her dry, scaly skin against his own. “I think it might help, living among people who care about you, who like you, who help you, in a place where your skills and contributions will be valued.”

  “I’m really hoping that’s true,” she replied. “I have been feeling better since running into you. I guess it’s kind of like I’ve been sick for a really long time, and I’m finally getting medicine, and it’s going to take awhile for it to work and for me to fully heal up. And I’ll certainly have some permanent damage...”

  “I hope not,” he murmured. “I just want you to be happy.”

  She laughed and squeezed him. “You’re helping a lot with that.” She yawned. “Fuck, part of the reason I’m not in the mood is because I’m so tired.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask...should I be more worried about that?”

  “No. Mainly it’s...have I mentioned this already? I can’t remember now. Reps kind of go into hibernation mode a little during the winter, because of our physiology. I get very low energy, very sleepy, and I’ll stay that way for months, until spring, basically. It sucks. So don’t worry, if there’s something to worry about, I’ll let you know.”


  “Thank you for the books, David. Really. They’re...just the best.”

  “You’re welcome, April. I’m happy they make you so happy.”

  He could tell from her voice that she was getting very sleepy. After a little while, she shifted back up and laid her head on the pillow, beside his. She looked at him for another minute or so with her tired eyes, and then she was out. He laid there for a little bit longer with her, and then carefully pulled himself up and out of her bed, kissed her gently on the forehead, then blew out her candle and quietly exited the room, closing her door almost all the way. He knew she liked it open a crack. Fuck, at this point, they all did.

  From there, he went back to his room and gathered up his and Evelyn’s dirty clothes, and took them down to the basement, where they’d set up a basic clothes-washing station. It wasn’t great, but it was better than just continuing to wear filthy clothes. Especially considering some of them were practically biohazards. He spent an hour washing and wringing out their shirts and pants and underclothes, and then hung them up on the lines they’d draped from the ceiling. Once that was done, he headed back upstairs and took a moment to check all the windows and doors. They were secure, or as secure as they were going to get, and everything seemed to be in order. Heading up to the second story, he saw that Evelyn and Ashley had since left the kitchen. They were probably waiting for him upstairs.

  He saw the door to Ellie’s and Cait’s shared room was partially open, and there was still some light, so he walked over and knocked on it gently.

  “Yeah?” Ellie asked.

  “I just came to say goodnight,” he replied, poking his head in. She was laying on the bed wearing nothing but panties with her hands behind her head.

  She smiled at him. “I heard some of your conversation with April.”

  He sighed. “That was private.”

  “I’m sorry,” she replied, and she did sound sorry. “It’s were right above me, and I have great hearing, I-I didn’t mean to, I just did. I just wanted to say, you’re an amazingly sweet man, and I’m so glad you’re with Cait.”

  “Really? Any specific reason?”

  She sighed softly. “Cait’s tough. Tougher than me, in some ways, but a lot less in others. She deserves someone like you. Someone who will respect her, and work hard for her, to make her happy. I think she wants it, maybe even needs it, more than she’ll ever admit.”

  He crossed his arms. “You don’t think the same could be said about you?”

  “..maybe,” she admitted reluctantly. “But this isn’t about me. It’s about you. And Cait. Oh, and I wanted to let you know, if you hurt her, emotionally, because she could kick your ass, I’ll break you, David. Do you understand?”

  “I think you’ve said something like that to me already, and yes, I understand.”

  She frowned. “I’m sorry, I just get...protective. And I’ve seen too many men rip hearts out. If it helps, I believe you won’t ever try to hurt her.”

  “Yeah,” he said after a moment, “that helps...goodnight, Ellie.”

  “Goodnight, David.” She paused. “Give me a kiss?”

  He crossed the room and leaned down and kissed her on the lips. She gave him a nice kiss back, then reached out, took his hand, and laid it across her bare, furry breast. “Don’t be afraid to slip into my bed in the middle of the night, ye
ah? I admit, I might give you a rap on the head if you startle me, but this pussy’s worth it, right?”

  “Yeah, it is,” he admitted.

  She laughed. “Knew it.”

  He gave her breast a gentle squeeze, then left the room and headed upstairs. He heard quiet conversation as he approached his bedroom, and as he walked in, he saw that he was right: Evelyn and Ashley were laying in his bed together, nude.

  “Well, it’s about time,” Ashley said.

  “Sorry, I had to say goodnight to people and fuck Cait and check on April,” he replied as he pushed the door most of the way closed, then began to take his clothes off.

  “Is she okay?” Evelyn asked.

  “Yeah, she’s fine. She’s sleeping now. And Ellie’s headed to bed, too. Cait is on guard for now. How did the planning go?” he asked.

  “Great, I think,” Evelyn replied.

  “Yeah, tomorrow we get to go around and ask people ‘what don’t you suck fucking dick at doing?’” Ashley said.

  “I’ll be doing the talking to everyone but your family, apparently,” Evelyn murmured. “God, you can be so tactless sometimes.”

  “Okay, I wasn’t literally going to say that to people!” Ashley cried.

  “Of course,” David said as he finished stripping and moved over to the washbasin where he cleaned himself up one more time for the night, given he was going to be fucking and more than likely one of the two women would be putting his junk in their mouths.

  “I think tomorrow will be a very productive day,” Evelyn said. “I’ll speak with everyone, get an idea of what they’re good at, what they’re comfortable doing, what sort of skills they’re going to be willing to learn. I’m assuming that you’re going to want to continue with our idea of a twenty four hour a day guard cycle?”

  “Yeah,” he replied. “Definitely.” He finished washing and drying, then walked over to the bed. It was enormous, about seven feet wide and nine long. They’d laid out three mattresses side-by-side, given it was the easiest way to make something with enough length to handle Evie’s seven and a half foot tall body.